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If you want to learn more on how to have a close relationship with Jesus, here are some resources I love! If you prayed the salvation prayer, send me a message!
Check this out: "I Just Got Saved. Now What?" by Pastor Adalis Shuttlesworth
Get a Bible!
I like these ones:
The New Living Translation is easy to read and understand. It's less than $5 on Amazon. Buy it here.
If you want to do an in-depth study of the Bible, I suggest the Dake Study Bible.
Videos I like:
Who to follow on Instagram:
Pastor Jonathan Shuttlesworth: https://www.instagram.com/jdshuttlesworth
Pastor Adalis Shuttlesworth: https://www.instagram.com/adalis_shuttlesworth
David Hernandez: https://www.instagram.com/digahernandez
Vlad Savchuck: https://www.instagram.com/vladhungrygen
Todd White: https://www.instagram.com/toddwhitelc/
Follow me, too!